Friday, August 4, 2017

Sonic CD Review

I am a pretty big fan of classic Sonic games, so, you know, I will start reviewing them, so I am going to review Sonic CD first

The game is takes place on Little Planet, which is being turned into a Fortress for Dr. Robotnik, so Sonic, of course, has to save Little Planet from Robotnik.

The gameplay is different from other 2D Sonic games. While Sonic controls mostly the same, he has a new move called the Super-Peel Out, in which it is like the spin dash, except you have to look up then press A, and you do not roll into a ball. The spin dash is also changed (unless you are playing the 2011 remake, in which you can change it to be like other sonic games) so when you do it, instead of repeatedly charging it up, you only charge it once and you then go.

The level design is not really good, and I think the reason is because you have to explore these levels to find machines you break. How it works is you hit a sign that says PAST, and then you run at high speeds for a short period of time, and then you time travel. You then have to explore the level to find machines to break. Breaking these machines gets you a good future. In Sonic CD, there are three time periods. The present, past, and future. There are also two types of futures. The good future and bad future. You want to get good futures (clearly). You can get a good ending by either breaking all machines in the past, or getting things called time stones (the chaos emeralds of this game). There are 7 time stones total, and getting all of them automatically grant you good futures for every level in the game, even the ones you originally got a bad future on.

To get a time stone, you have to make it to the end of a act (I know they are called zones in this game, but I like calling them acts like the other Sonic games do) with 50 rings, which can be painful. You then jump into a giant ring and you will then go into the special stage. You have to attack 6 UFOs within a time limit to get your time stone, and if you touch water your timer drops by 10 seconds. You have purple UFOs, which give rings for your score, and blue UFOs, which temporarily increase your speed. When 20 seconds or less are left, a blue UFO with red stripes with come up, and you hit it to gain more time. I personally like these special stages, and a kinda similar special stage will be in Sonic Mania. Speaking of Mania, the games sixth stage, Stardust Speedway (which is my favorite zone in the game) is also returning in Mania. There was going to be a new final boss for the 2011 remake if you got all the time stones in which the stage was called Final Fever, but was scrapped to make the port closer to the original. I am kind of sad it was scrapped, because the actual Final boss is not that good. Heck, most of the bosses in CD aren't great. There was also a desert level called Desert Dazzle, that was based off Dust Hill, a scrapped stage from Sonic 2, which got scrapped for the same reason as Final Fever. However, Sonic Mania based a level of Dust Hill and Desert Dazzle, which is called Mirage Saloon. Here are pictures of these scrapped zones.

There is only one more thing I would like to talk about. A hidden sound test in the game. Not only can you listen to music and sound effects here, but you can put certain codes in to see secret screens. There is also a secret special stage hidden in the sound test.  
Here are pictures of these hidden images.
Here is a pictures of Tails with text saying "see you next game" which  I think means that you will see Tails again in Sonic 3 maybe? This also activates debug mode. This picture was drawn by Judy Totoya, special stage designer for CD and character designer for Tails.
Here is a picture of Sonic with the text above him saying "You are cool!" Drawn by Masahiro Sanpei, landscape and animation director for CD.

Here is a picture of a Batman Sonic. I don't have anything else to say about this picture, except that it was drawn by Takumi Miyake, who is a landscape and visual designer for Sonic CD.

Here is a picture of Sonic in a DJ band with Metal Sonic and Robotnik with the text  "The fastest DJ MC Sonic" and "Can I kick it?" Drawn by Kazuyuki Hoshino, who is the special stage designer, character designer, visual designer and
illustrator of Sonic CD.
Here is the infamous screen from this game, a creepy picture of 24 Sonics that apprantly have Mario's face. The Japanese text reads "fun is infinite with SEGA enterprises." This picture was drawn by Masato Nishimura, who is the landscape designer for Sonic CD. His childhood nickname was Majin.

Now onto the score. I give Sonic CD a 8.2 out of ten for fun gameplay, but the level design can suck at times. The music was FANTASTIC, like most Sonic games. It was nowhere near bad, but is my least favorite classic Sonic game. What did you think of the game? Post what you thought of the game in the comments if you want.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga Review

It seems that there has been nothing posted to Gameroni for quite some time when I am writing this review. I am going to fix that by reviewing a certain game for the Gameboy Advance. That's right, I am reviewing Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga. This is the first installment of the Mario & Luigi series, which is also an underrated series in my opinion. Please note that there are also NO spoilers, so you can read this review to find out if the game is good, which it is.

On to the story.

The game starts with two villains known as Cackletta and Fawful arriving in the Mushroom Kingdom disguised as the Goodwill Ambassador from the Beanbean Kingdom. When they approach Peach with a present, the machine inside steals Peach's voice and take it to the Beanbean Kingdom to get the Beanstar that gives lots of power. Mario & Luigi then get sent to the Beanbean kingdom to retrieve Peach's voice and keep the Beanstar  safe from Cackletta and Fawful.

Now onto the gameplay.

You are either scouting the overworld in the Beanbean Kingdom to find items, shop, get to the end of an area, etc, or you are fighting enemies in battle. You use the A button to control Mario, and the B button to control Luigi, both on the overworld (if Mario is in front) or in battle. By default, you only get to jump on enemies in battle, but gain more attacks as you go. You can use Bros. Attacks, in which you press A or B in a certain order depending on the attack.

Now I am going to give the game a final score.

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga is a fantastic game overall. It has a good story, fun gameplay, great soundtrack, and much more you could want. I give this game a 8.7/10. The first few areas in the game are boring compared to the rest, but the game gets better as you go on. You can order a used copy for your Gameboy Advance, or play it on a GBA emulator, or you can buy it on the Wii U virtual console shop. I do recommend this game for anyone. They have lots of options to get the game. Now, be sure to comment your opinion on the game in the comments below. Anyone that hasn't played the game really should do it right now.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam Review

The Mario and Luigi series contains games which are in the RPG genre of games. The Mario and Luigi games are one of my favorite video game series of all time. The most recent installment of the amazing series is known as Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam, which came out in January for North America. It is a crossover of the Mario and Luigi series and another game series know as Paper Mario. Just like my Kirby Planet Robobot Review, this review will NOT contain spoilers. I will only talk about the introduction. Without further ado, let me begin this review.

The game begins in Peach's Castle, where Luigi finds a mysterious book. The book then opens and lets out paper versions of everyone in the mushroom kingdom. Mario and Luigi discover paper toads in the castle, which freak out and run away, and Mario and Luigi have to find all of them. After they find the paper toads, they meet up with Princess Peach and Paper Princess Peach. Eventually, Bowser comes to kidnap peach, but finds Paper Bowser also coming to kidnap Peach. They later team up and Mario and Luigi go on an adventure to rescue both Princess Peaches and find Paper Mario, who joins Mario and Luigi, and the trio go to defeat the Bowsers to rescue both Peaches.

That's all I am going to say about the story. Now onto the gameplay.

The gameplay is like most other Mario and Luigi games. You choose commands to jump, hammer, use items, special attacks, and run away from battles. Outside of battle, you just have to touch an enemy to get in battle with it. You can also hammer, jump, or run into the enemy, causing extra damage at the beginning of the battle. When an enemy attacks, you can jump over/hammer the enemy with good timing to not take damage like in other Mario and Luigi games, (or, you can just counterattack with most enemy attacks) or you can use the block command to reduce damage taken from an enemy like in the Paper Mario games.

Now is the score of the game. While I do like the game a lot, it is my least favorite Mario and Luigi game in the series. It lacked original characters (what I mean is it did not have any characters that are only in the Mario and Luigi games like Fawful of Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga and Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story and Shroobs of Mario and Luigi Partners In Time). It was also complicated controlling 3 characters at once sometimes, which cause me to take a lot of damage with some enemies. The game's soundtrack was great too. Overall, I give Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam a 7.9 out of 10. If you liked this game better or less than I did, that's OK, it is your opinion. I do recommend this to anyone wanting to get a new Mario game though, as Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam was fun most of the time.

Be sure to check out my other game review here on Kirby Planet Robobot. It was my first gaming review I did. Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam was my second.

What did you think of this game? Let me know in the comments!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Gameroni Official Twitter Account

I've created a Gameroni twitter account. I will share the blog posts and make comments on games. So please follow. The twitter account is Gameroni@TheGameroni. So please follow. More on this subject may be released at a later a date. And to the people who regularly return to this blog, I say, thank you very much, because every time we see that people have looked at our blog we are filled with joy.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Kirby Planet Robobot Review

OK, so the latest Kirby game known as Kirby Planet Robobot came out nearly a month ago from today in North America. I own a copy of the game now and will give my full review on it. This will NOT contain spoilers, I will NOT be that specific with the details of the story. I will be talking about just the beginning of the game and the gameplay.

Here I go.

The game begins with an alien invasion on planet Popstar (which is Kirby's home planet). A huge ship latches  5 parts of it onto planet Popstar. Kirby notices the ship and rushes to it to destroy the 5 parts that latched on to the planet and then will enter the ship and confront the aliens there. (Sorry if i suck at explaining things).

That is all I am going to say about the story. I will now move on to the gamplay.

The game is a platformer and plays similar to Kirby Triple Deluxe (inhaling enemies, copying their abilitys and using their powers, etc). The main difference is when you get into the robobot armor. Kirby hops inside the robobot armor, which is redesigned to look like Kirby. Instead of eating the enemies, the robobot scans them to get their powers. The robobot can scan a wheel enemy and turn into a car, scan a enemy using a jet and turn into a flying jet, etc. The robobot can punch, but it cannot go in the air infinitely like Kirby can (unless a jet ability is copied). That's all I can say about the gameplay. (Again, sorry if I suck at explaining things).

Now is what I think about the game. It is very fun and entertaining and has a good plot, and the controls aren't bad, but on top of that I usually would nearly never stop playing the game. In fact, I beat story mode the first day I got the game!

Now is my rating on the game of a scale to 0 (which is bad), to 10 (which is amazing). I give this game a solid 9.4 out of 10. I found it incredibly cool to play as Kirby in a mech suit, and the story was good, and so was all the other things about the game. I found story mode too short, which take 0.6 points off of the perfect 10 score. It's my favorite Kirby game so far, and I recommend this to anyone including Nintendo fans, Kirby fans, or someone who just started playing the Kirby franchise.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Current Knowledge On The Nintendo NX

   You probably heard of this new console, Nintendo is making. Well, this post is all about, what we know about it, theories I have, we'll known theories, and more.

  Okay, let's talk about the possibility of there being a VR (Virtual Reality) feature.

   Nintendo has mentioned that they were looking into VR technology, but they also said that it is not their top priority at the time being. Though, there are some reasons that might force Nintendo to reconsider, even looking in to this technology.

   Unlike Sony and Microsoft, a large number of Nintendo's consumers, are children. The reason this is such a dilemma, is because some children can experience a headache or Nausea, from a VR headset.

   There's also another reason Nintendo may think twice about having VR, if someone wants to watch their friend(s) or sibling(s) play a video game, they will probably have to go on a multi-player mode, if the game has one.

   A big thing is about a partnership with android. People still think that this will happen, even though a Nintendo spokesperson has denied this. Unless the spokesperson is trying to throw people off on this subject, it seems this won't happen.

   Nintendo has also said that they are aiming for a wider audience and will, a lot like the WiiU, have the feature, to give people the capability to just look at the controller, not just the television.

 This seems like what The NX is going to look like, because this is the most popular design that people have put online.

Thank you!
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Sunday, June 26, 2016

New YouTube Channel!

I made a new YouTube channel, called Gameroni Luka! I just posted a new video. This video was pretty much just a test, so don't go saying that it's really bad and stuff. My next videos will be a lot better. My profile pic was made by Adam.

         Here is a picture of my channel☺

Thank You, and please subscribe to my channel

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Team Fortress 2- Octodad has snuck into the game!

HEY! I've recently gotten Team Fortress2 to from Steam. The game will probably get you addicted to it. Trust me, I know! I was playing the game and I saw that I had the strangest item anumber Octodad hat/ mask. It's called "Dadliest Catch". It seems this item is only available for people who have downloaded Octodad Dadliest Catch. It will only be visible on the player on Halloween or the full moon.

Underneath is just a joke. Only on the top is true.

I have found out a key piece of information! Octodad has been there even in the beginning. I have proof, look at the picture.

See! I told you! He was even in the 2nd game as well... at least in the beginning.

But soon after that picture he revealed his true identity, as an octopus. Then, only his head was left... and everyone, then had seafood in their stomach's.

Thank You!

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