Thursday, March 3, 2016

Who's Your Daddy? Tase effect for whole round glitch!

Hey all gamers, geeks, and or people who accidentally went on my blog and by mistake clicked on this!😃

If you play Who's Your Daddy then you might appreciate this post, if you don't then this might still be interesting. People who don't have Who's your daddy, I would recommend to get it. You can get it on Steam for about $5.00. If you don't have Steam, you can go on the website and download it. Who's your daddy is a PC game ONLY.

Who's your daddy is a 2 player game, you can play using a public game or a private game. A private game requires a password. The objective of the baby character is to kill itself and the dad has to stop that from happening.

Okay, now we're getting to the glitch. 
I was playing with my friend Adam and a lot of the time when I tased him or he tased me (Yes, you can actually tase the baby.) he was flopping around, which is usually normal, but it happened even when HE was tasering ME! But that's not the glitch. The glitch is that it happened the whole round and that after the 10 seconds it still worked on him, but he was moving while it happened! 

 I'm sorry but this is not one of the glitches where I'm able to show how to do it like in Pokémon. (Hint for what may be in the next post.)
Join The Gameroni next time when we might discuss Pokémon blue, red, and yellow being on the E shop.

Special thanks to Adam! Who's an awesome gamer!

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