Monday, July 25, 2016

Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam Review

The Mario and Luigi series contains games which are in the RPG genre of games. The Mario and Luigi games are one of my favorite video game series of all time. The most recent installment of the amazing series is known as Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam, which came out in January for North America. It is a crossover of the Mario and Luigi series and another game series know as Paper Mario. Just like my Kirby Planet Robobot Review, this review will NOT contain spoilers. I will only talk about the introduction. Without further ado, let me begin this review.

The game begins in Peach's Castle, where Luigi finds a mysterious book. The book then opens and lets out paper versions of everyone in the mushroom kingdom. Mario and Luigi discover paper toads in the castle, which freak out and run away, and Mario and Luigi have to find all of them. After they find the paper toads, they meet up with Princess Peach and Paper Princess Peach. Eventually, Bowser comes to kidnap peach, but finds Paper Bowser also coming to kidnap Peach. They later team up and Mario and Luigi go on an adventure to rescue both Princess Peaches and find Paper Mario, who joins Mario and Luigi, and the trio go to defeat the Bowsers to rescue both Peaches.

That's all I am going to say about the story. Now onto the gameplay.

The gameplay is like most other Mario and Luigi games. You choose commands to jump, hammer, use items, special attacks, and run away from battles. Outside of battle, you just have to touch an enemy to get in battle with it. You can also hammer, jump, or run into the enemy, causing extra damage at the beginning of the battle. When an enemy attacks, you can jump over/hammer the enemy with good timing to not take damage like in other Mario and Luigi games, (or, you can just counterattack with most enemy attacks) or you can use the block command to reduce damage taken from an enemy like in the Paper Mario games.

Now is the score of the game. While I do like the game a lot, it is my least favorite Mario and Luigi game in the series. It lacked original characters (what I mean is it did not have any characters that are only in the Mario and Luigi games like Fawful of Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga and Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story and Shroobs of Mario and Luigi Partners In Time). It was also complicated controlling 3 characters at once sometimes, which cause me to take a lot of damage with some enemies. The game's soundtrack was great too. Overall, I give Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam a 7.9 out of 10. If you liked this game better or less than I did, that's OK, it is your opinion. I do recommend this to anyone wanting to get a new Mario game though, as Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam was fun most of the time.

Be sure to check out my other game review here on Kirby Planet Robobot. It was my first gaming review I did. Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam was my second.

What did you think of this game? Let me know in the comments!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Gameroni Official Twitter Account

I've created a Gameroni twitter account. I will share the blog posts and make comments on games. So please follow. The twitter account is Gameroni@TheGameroni. So please follow. More on this subject may be released at a later a date. And to the people who regularly return to this blog, I say, thank you very much, because every time we see that people have looked at our blog we are filled with joy.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Kirby Planet Robobot Review

OK, so the latest Kirby game known as Kirby Planet Robobot came out nearly a month ago from today in North America. I own a copy of the game now and will give my full review on it. This will NOT contain spoilers, I will NOT be that specific with the details of the story. I will be talking about just the beginning of the game and the gameplay.

Here I go.

The game begins with an alien invasion on planet Popstar (which is Kirby's home planet). A huge ship latches  5 parts of it onto planet Popstar. Kirby notices the ship and rushes to it to destroy the 5 parts that latched on to the planet and then will enter the ship and confront the aliens there. (Sorry if i suck at explaining things).

That is all I am going to say about the story. I will now move on to the gamplay.

The game is a platformer and plays similar to Kirby Triple Deluxe (inhaling enemies, copying their abilitys and using their powers, etc). The main difference is when you get into the robobot armor. Kirby hops inside the robobot armor, which is redesigned to look like Kirby. Instead of eating the enemies, the robobot scans them to get their powers. The robobot can scan a wheel enemy and turn into a car, scan a enemy using a jet and turn into a flying jet, etc. The robobot can punch, but it cannot go in the air infinitely like Kirby can (unless a jet ability is copied). That's all I can say about the gameplay. (Again, sorry if I suck at explaining things).

Now is what I think about the game. It is very fun and entertaining and has a good plot, and the controls aren't bad, but on top of that I usually would nearly never stop playing the game. In fact, I beat story mode the first day I got the game!

Now is my rating on the game of a scale to 0 (which is bad), to 10 (which is amazing). I give this game a solid 9.4 out of 10. I found it incredibly cool to play as Kirby in a mech suit, and the story was good, and so was all the other things about the game. I found story mode too short, which take 0.6 points off of the perfect 10 score. It's my favorite Kirby game so far, and I recommend this to anyone including Nintendo fans, Kirby fans, or someone who just started playing the Kirby franchise.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Current Knowledge On The Nintendo NX

   You probably heard of this new console, Nintendo is making. Well, this post is all about, what we know about it, theories I have, we'll known theories, and more.

  Okay, let's talk about the possibility of there being a VR (Virtual Reality) feature.

   Nintendo has mentioned that they were looking into VR technology, but they also said that it is not their top priority at the time being. Though, there are some reasons that might force Nintendo to reconsider, even looking in to this technology.

   Unlike Sony and Microsoft, a large number of Nintendo's consumers, are children. The reason this is such a dilemma, is because some children can experience a headache or Nausea, from a VR headset.

   There's also another reason Nintendo may think twice about having VR, if someone wants to watch their friend(s) or sibling(s) play a video game, they will probably have to go on a multi-player mode, if the game has one.

   A big thing is about a partnership with android. People still think that this will happen, even though a Nintendo spokesperson has denied this. Unless the spokesperson is trying to throw people off on this subject, it seems this won't happen.

   Nintendo has also said that they are aiming for a wider audience and will, a lot like the WiiU, have the feature, to give people the capability to just look at the controller, not just the television.

 This seems like what The NX is going to look like, because this is the most popular design that people have put online.

Thank you!
Please leave a comment!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

New YouTube Channel!

I made a new YouTube channel, called Gameroni Luka! I just posted a new video. This video was pretty much just a test, so don't go saying that it's really bad and stuff. My next videos will be a lot better. My profile pic was made by Adam.

         Here is a picture of my channel☺

Thank You, and please subscribe to my channel

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Team Fortress 2- Octodad has snuck into the game!

HEY! I've recently gotten Team Fortress2 to from Steam. The game will probably get you addicted to it. Trust me, I know! I was playing the game and I saw that I had the strangest item anumber Octodad hat/ mask. It's called "Dadliest Catch". It seems this item is only available for people who have downloaded Octodad Dadliest Catch. It will only be visible on the player on Halloween or the full moon.

Underneath is just a joke. Only on the top is true.

I have found out a key piece of information! Octodad has been there even in the beginning. I have proof, look at the picture.

See! I told you! He was even in the 2nd game as well... at least in the beginning.

But soon after that picture he revealed his true identity, as an octopus. Then, only his head was left... and everyone, then had seafood in their stomach's.

Thank You!

Please leave a comment

Friday, May 13, 2016

Who's Your Daddy Update!

Who's Your Daddy just got a huge update. Quoting Steam,

"The Official Release Build is ready for Download!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Captain America Civil War Good Inaccuracy

Though the Captain America Civil War movie was good, it was very inaccurate. So, as my title suggests it's good inaccuracy. In the comics Captain America surrenders. He is sent to court soon after, where a machine designed to cancel out the super serum effects are used upon him. Sharron Carter (Peggy's great niece in the movie and Peggy's younger sister in the comics) was then hypnotized and was forced to shoot Steve! While in the movie Captain America won, well, in away. The fighting was more because of the registration act, instead of Bucky. And last, but not least Spider man was on Iron Man's team at first, but switched to Steve's team.


Also don't forget to watch 

Captain America: Civil War!

Pokemon Sun and Moon Trailer!

Something caught my attention today. It was something good also, (not Pikmin 4 though). It was a trailer for Pokémon Sun and Moon. You can watch the trailer here. The starter I will choose will be
Rowlet. I just like his design. And he will maybe evolve into something cool. Pokémon Sun and Moon will be released on November 18,  2016, which is not even that far away! :D

What are you exited about in Sun and Moon? Leave a comment telling what you thought of the trailer!

Here is a picture of the starters.

I'm so excited for this game!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Motor City ComicCon!

On May 13th- May 15th is ComicCon in Grand Rapids, Michigan! Of course, it's not as popular as the big ComicCon in San Diego. But hey! Motor City ComicCon is WAY closer to Adam and I. I'm going on the 14th and the 15th. Adam is going on the 15th as well. It'll actually be his first convention to go to. For ComicCon, it will be my third year. And, for what I think is the first time, GameStop will have a booth and hold gaming tournaments, I don't know to many details though, except that my older brother will work at the booth, I think only on Sunday though. I'm gonna cosplay Red, from pokémon! You are able to get cosplay's like mine at But, there is about a 90% chance Adam and I will enter one of those tournaments! -_-  Bring it on! Like Donkey Kong! (It's a saying... Which works pretty good in this situation). If you want to get tickets you better hurry, because there's probably not many left so go on this LINK! Tons of people are going to be at the event, because an actor from "Game of Thrones" is going to be there. (Young children should not watch "Game of Thrones' as some content may be inappropriate). There is much merchandise there as well.

I will post pictures of what Adam and I got and about some stuff there on another post.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Nintendo E3 2016 Disappointment

So, like everyone, I was all excited about E3 and what Nintendo was going to reveal. The games I wanted to hear about the most were Pokemon Sun and Moon and Pikmin 4 (Both were announced by the way, just in case you didn't know). I was feeling happy until a recent announcement about Nintendo's plan for their E3 presentation. It turns out, the only thing Nintendo was going to talk about at E3 was only going to be about Zelda games. Nothing else. I got the news from this video and was really upset at Nintendo about it. Were you excited for Sun and Moon possibly being in the presentation? Too bad, just Zelda news for E3! It won't probably even talk about the NX! (The NX is Nintendo's next console coming out in 2017). This is even twice as upsetting if you don't even play Zelda games, which I don't. So, are you upset or happy about this? Leave a comment to tell me what you think of this. 

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Pokémon 20th Anniversary Darkrai Toy Review

This is my first video for Gameroni, I apologize for any parts of the video that may make it seem low quality and, if so, me not speaking clearly. My device used to film this is not a super expensive camera, though the quality of the video is not too bad. Please leave a comment on this post. THANKS!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Eggman in City Escape

Okay, please say I'm not alone when I say the Eggman in City Escape hack videos all over the Internet is 1. Funny and 2. Sorta weird. City Escape is a level in Sonic Adventure 2. (Sonic Adventure 2 battle is basically the same, but with battle mode, battle mode is multiplayer, and is for GameCube and for steam.) I recommend to make a Steam account, and to download Steam. Click HERE to watch the video.

I recommend to look at "Who's Your Daddy? Room of Great Achievement!" By Adam, on Gameroni.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Who's Your Daddy? Room of Great Achievement!

So, I was on Who's Your Daddy with Luka, I remembered that I could go into a secret room which you can't normally get into. Luka and I tried at least 4 times to get up there and we got up there! To do this, we had to got this trash can, went into the corner next to the sink, put the bucket there, crouched and jumped on the bucket, uncrouched and jumped up. The first few times I just ended up upstairs, but after the forth try I got into the room! Luka tried after I did and succeeded. He got into the room after the second try. I put some photos below to show what it looked like.

Here are the pictures:



New Blogger On Gameroni.

I have been mentioned in one or more posts by Gameroni. And now, he invited me to make posts here. You may see posts made by me, or Luka (Gameroni). I will now be making my own posts here and will make posts of basically the same things Gameroni posts. I will make things from video games, to T.V. shows. So, if you see someone else make a post on this blog, it will probably be me!

Saturday, March 19, 2016


ShutoCon is an awesome Anime and Pop culture event. This year I went to the one in Lansing, on Saturday if you are reading this on the 20th of March, 2016 you can still go, because it's the last day. ShutoCon is an annual event such as ComicCon and YoumaCon is. There is much cosplaying done there as well.

There is a Gaming Hall and a dealers hall.

 There is a picture of the Gaming Hall below.          ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇

This is a picture of the main spot of ShutoCon. ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇

I will probably do a post about ComicCon in May.
I got an autograph from Rikki Simons (The voice of Gir) and went to his panel.

There is also an awesome Japanese arcade game in the gaming room.

(Hint for a posible post in the soon future.) Eggman! Escape!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Original Pokémon games on Éshop! Pokémon Moon and Sun confirmed!

If you read my last post you may have expected a part of this post. You may have heard the leak of Pokémon Moon and Sun on 2/25/16. There was a possibility it was faked though, until the day after, when it was confirmed by Nintendo and GameFreak. Of course I got excited like a young girl who's going to a popular boy band concert. Nintendo also said that Pokémon bank can be used to put Pokémon from Red, Blue, and Yellow into Moon and Sun! (Woohoo! Mews from glitches and other glitched Pokémon!)

I got Pokémon Blue on the 27th of February (The day it was released.) My siblings got Red and Yellow. Slightly off topic, but just in case some of you haven't found out, but each month for the rest of the year mystery gifts are being released for Pokémon Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire, Y, and X. Last month (February) the mystery gift was Mew and this month  (March) it's Celibe.

If you are going to get glitch Pokémon make sure you have an open space in your party. In my Pokémon Yellow game, which was on my Gameboy Advanced SP and not downloaded to my New Nintendo 3DS XL, I did the level 100 Mew glitch perfectly, but it went into my PC box, so when I tried to get it out my game freezed, it will forever be in that PC box. That Mew is pretty much d-d-e-dea-de-dead! Also, do NOT do the Missingno glitch! There are a few Missingno glitches, and I am 99.99% sure that they're all bad. Missingno might do something like, turn all your Pokémon in the PC into almost copies of itself.

Click HERE to watch a video I found for the level 100 Mew glitch, this video was done using Pokémon Yellow, but there is no difference with it in Blue and Red. In the video it doesn't show the person walk to grass and battle a Pokémon which you must do using Mew and you must get less than 63 exp, it may be okay to get 63 but I wouldn't take the chance. Glitches (Well, most of them, level 7 Mews and the level 100) have actual Mews, because the coding for Mew (And other Pokémon, but you could get them in the regular game play) is already in the game. GameFreak took out getting Mew normally normally, but Mew was still in the coding, this is why GameFreak was able to make a Mew mystery gift.

In Loving Memory of Mew who will forever be in my Pokémon Yellow PC.

There are a couple a of other Mew glitches, proof is underneath⬇

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Who's Your Daddy? Tase effect for whole round glitch!

Hey all gamers, geeks, and or people who accidentally went on my blog and by mistake clicked on this!😃

If you play Who's Your Daddy then you might appreciate this post, if you don't then this might still be interesting. People who don't have Who's your daddy, I would recommend to get it. You can get it on Steam for about $5.00. If you don't have Steam, you can go on the website and download it. Who's your daddy is a PC game ONLY.

Who's your daddy is a 2 player game, you can play using a public game or a private game. A private game requires a password. The objective of the baby character is to kill itself and the dad has to stop that from happening.

Okay, now we're getting to the glitch. 
I was playing with my friend Adam and a lot of the time when I tased him or he tased me (Yes, you can actually tase the baby.) he was flopping around, which is usually normal, but it happened even when HE was tasering ME! But that's not the glitch. The glitch is that it happened the whole round and that after the 10 seconds it still worked on him, but he was moving while it happened! 

 I'm sorry but this is not one of the glitches where I'm able to show how to do it like in Pokémon. (Hint for what may be in the next post.)
Join The Gameroni next time when we might discuss Pokémon blue, red, and yellow being on the E shop.

Special thanks to Adam! Who's an awesome gamer!

Friday, February 19, 2016

I am a mixture of sad, happy, and confused.

I am sad that the last episode of Gravity Falls aired, but it was a good one, so that makes me a little happy. I am also forever going to be confused because some characters (Other than Ford) have 5 fingers and some have 4, Alex Hirsch said it would be a spoiler to answer that question but it was never answered. In the episode that explains and shows the mysteries and the Easter eggs of the show, it's called Between the Pines ( It is is Time baby basically INTERROGATING Alex Hirsch... Just kidding... He was interrogating him. ). There was a wheel of mystery, Alex Hirsch answered some of questions on the wheel. One of the things which he didn't answer was "fingers" it probably meant the 4 and 5 fingers question.

Saturday, February 6, 2016


The Superbowl is TOMORROW!

Panthers v.s Broncos

No offense to the Broncos fans but I'm rooting for the Panthers.

I recently  (A year or two ago) got into Football a little bit. But I'm still going to every once and a while change the channel to... ☺🙌 THE PUPPY BOWL XII!🙌☺... I might just have to play some video games during it though.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

My dog

Don't mention food in front of her!😐

Best stores ever!

One world market and Mirai are awesome. One world market is advertised as a Japanese market but has some products from other parts of Asia. Mirai has Japanese books/Manga, DVDs, and some games.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Saddest day of my life

Shadow and Sonic go into Gerald Robotniks memory diary to find out his past and he feels like he is losing her once more.